SUMMER 2024:
Artwave 2024 goes live!

Finland, Nordic countries and even Northern Europe has it first ever commercial surf park available for clients in 2024.

Artwave is a patented technology for creating surfable waves in open water. We enable a cost efficient, environmentally responsible and excellent surfing experience everywhere, for everyone.

Artwave is the first man-made wave, which does not require a massive upfront investment or operating expenses. Nor does it need a pool. We can deliver an easy set-up for urban shorelines, rivers, lakes, ponds or even surf resorts with many simultaneous waves.

Our solution is entirely mobile. Once we leave, there is no permanent trace in the nature. Only a positive impact as our waves can renew oxygen in the water by keeping it moving and refreshed. This is called water aeration, which can also prevent harmful algae blooms.

Our technology combines mechanics and fluid dynamics. It's easy to assemble and disassemble. We use a low-power engine and a sailboat-inspired wing system that makes constant waves.

Artwave is currently running on a private test site in Finland. We have been recently featured by Surfertoday.com as The world's smartest surf pool technology and by Wavepoolmag.com as New traveling rapid wave pool technology.